How to make nipples pinker

Before getting into the remedies, you might like to know some common facts on shades of nipples

  • Nipples can be of different colors. They can be pink, reddish, brown, black, etc.
  • Our nipples evolve from birth to childhood days to puberty to pregnancy to aging. You can choose any of the tips on how to get pink nipples.
  • Initially our nipples are pink in color. The color and look starts differing with physical changes. Here, we have some tips to change nipples color.
  • There are numerous causes which make the color of our nipples change. Some common reasons would include genetic conditions, menstruation, pregnancy, aging, breastfeeding, medications, skin chafing, etc.
  • The two determining factors surrounding skin tone of nipples include Eumelanin or brown pigment and Pheomelanin the red pigment. The distribution of these pigments offers the color that our areola possesses.
  • Color of nipples can vary with skin tone, which is again hereditary. Caucasians have pink nipples, Southeast Asians have brown nipples, Africans have black nipples, etc.
  • Men are usually more fond of women who have darker shades of nipples. Before you actually start off with any of these remedies, make sure you have your partner’s consent!
  • 12% of white-skinned beauties from USA like to have darker colors for their nipples as they naturally posses pinker shades. They believe darker shades are sexier.

Home remedies for pink nipples

After reading all the information above, if you still stick to your decision, we have some helpful remedies that would let you make your nipples color brighter and pinker.
  1. Lemon extract: The most widely used element for this purpose is lemon juice. Extract lemon juice and add honey and yogurt. Apply on nipples and let it dry for 30 minutes. Rinse with water and repeat the remedy once a week.
  2. Lime: Extract lime juice and add honey. Apply the combination of your buds and let it dry for 30 minutes. Wipe it off after that and repeat it once a week. The acidic content of lime helps your skin exfoliate and makes your nipples look fresher.
  3. Moistener: Along with lemon or lime extract, you could also apply a lightening moistener, which is simple on how to get pink nipples. Applying Vaseline, lip balm or shea butter every night on your nipples will help you keep them fresh and breathing. While taking a shower the next morning, don’t forget to rinse the area well. This is especially done to prevent acne.
  4. Almonds: Almonds too help you brighten nipples color on how to lighten dark nipples. Blend almond with milk in your grinder and apply on the zone. You could also buy almond oil readily bought from the supermarket and then apply daily. Your appliance should retain for one hour after which you can wipe and clean. Repeat till you see significant results.

Along with better nipple color, we must also keep in mind that our breast needs improved health. The type of food you eat, the exercise you do, the way you keep your body, has an impact on breasts along with the nipples. If you are suffering from sore nipples, then you should try any of the tips to get rid of sore nipples naturally at home. Having healthier breasts will help you maintain healthier nipples. Let us read some tipsfor this:
  • Proper food consumption: There are studies and researches which have proved that there are foods to prevent breast cancer. These are fruits and veggies which contain antioxidants and are advised to consume for better breast care. You must include flax seeds, walnuts, omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, cranberries, eggs, avocados, etc., for promoting better breast care.
  • Exercise: Exercising for 4 hours in a week                                                                                       lowers estrogen levels and helps you prevent breast cancer.
  • Stop smoking: Smoking comes with numerous health disorders and that includes breast cancer and pregnancy hindrances. Women who smoke have 30% more chances of having breast cancer than women who don’t.
  • Stop drinking: Alcohol consumption not as harmful as smoking if it can be cut down. Little alcohol is okay but excessively consumption can not only harm the organs of your body, but also make your muscles stiff. Researches also prove that excessive alcohol consumption can lead to breast cancer.
  • Sleeping Posture: Adjusts your sleeping position for better nipple care. Sleeping on your stomach can suppress your breasts and stomach and that isn’t healthy for the body. Change in sleeping posture helps to reduce sore nipples.
Lastly, you need to remember that overall breast health promotes better and brighter nipples. You can start off with the remedies you like and so on see the developments in your zone.

Tips on how to get pink nipples

  • Mulberry Extracts: You can use mulberry extracts or lactic acid as they provide good sources of Vitamin C. They are an easy way to lighten nipples. These fade the dark skin which forms around the areola and then generate newer skin which looks pinkish.
  • Arbutin: This is another home remedy on how to lighten dark nipples as they remove the dark skin and prohibits the pigmentation to form further. It removes the tyrosinase and improves melanin.
  • You can use oranges, cucumber, honey, milk and avocados if you don’t have the ingredients mentioned above. These too serve usefully for brightening the area.
  • Get alternatives with Vitamin C content so that it prevents pigmentation. Vitamin C is a good source of anti-oxidant which not only brightens up one area on your body but makes you glow and feel healthier.
  • Create a juice with orange and then apply it on the area. Let it soak well and repeat on alternative days for speedy results. If you skin itches or gets irritated, opt for another ingredient.
  • You could also opt for Liquorice extract as that too serves for this purpose. You can use liquorice extract for nipples and vaginal cleansing too. This can be applied hot or cold, according to what you body can sustain. If you don’t get the natural form, you can buy a powdered version and then add it to water. Apply it on the zones and see it work faster than the other remedies.


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  3. I have only been using intimate lightening of dermal md for a couple of months and my nipples have seriously lightened so many shades. I highly recommend this intimate lightening serum to anybody looking to lighten.


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